The Massachusetts Housing Data Portal

Helping communities plan for the housing needed to create a vibrant and economically competitive Commonwealth

Select your city or town to begin:

What's Inside

Rich Data

Access rich, value-added data compiled from U.S. Census, Building Permits, Zillow, MAPC Projections, and more. Compare your city or town to its neighbors, region, and state.


Discover insights into key housing indicators in your city or town. Visualizations, interpretive text, and metadata help you navigate and understand the data.

Something for Everyone

Housing MA was designed to be used by citizen committees and expert analysts alike. Text and charts automatically reflect your city or town, and downloading the data behind it is always a click away.

"MAPC's Housing Data Portal will allow the municipalities in the region essentially instant access to data that usually takes weeks if not months to produce, allowing us to focus our limited resources on policy development instead of data production."

— Aaron Henry, Assistant Planning Director, Town of Lexington